
How to Avoid Bug Bites For Travelers

Nusa Medica Clinic 24 Hours Clinic in Nusa Penida
November 7, 2022

Let’s face it, who doesn’t love a good holiday? There’s nothing better than jetting off across the globe for some much-needed relaxation and to spend some time away from work and school with our friends and family.

8 Easy Tips to Prevent Mosquito Bites when Travelling

Below is a list of easy and simple tips to help avoid mosquito bites whilst on holiday:

1. Avoid mosquito hotspot

One way you can avoid mosquito bites when travelling is to check if your holiday destination is a hot spot for mosquito activity, and in particular, the areas where the mosquito-borne diseases are more prevalent.

Luckily organisations such as the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, and The World Health Organization, have all this information available. A simple google search will let you see which areas are hotspots for diseases such as dengue and yellow fever.

2. Wear light colors

A little-known fact is that mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors. This is believed to be because of the contrasting dark-colored clothes provide against the horizon during dusk when mosquitoes are most active.

Wearing lightly colored clothing is a good way to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes.

3. Use insect repellent

When it comes to avoiding mosquito bites, insect repellent is your best friend! This is because it is one of the most effective solutions.

You can buy insect repellents from your local supermarket and/or pharmacy, and apply to any exposed areas of the skin. Those products, which include DEET, claim to be the most effective, but there are alternatives if you are allergic.

It’s a good idea to apply insect repellent before leaving your hotel or apartment especially during the later parts of the day.

4. Avoid certain times of day

Generally, mosquitoes are more active at dusk and dawn, although this may differ depending on the species.

These times of the day are often cooler and less windy making conditions more favorable conditions for mosquitoes.

To avoid mosquito bites it’s a good idea to plan any activities you might have during the times of day when mosquitoes are less active.

5. Wear appropriate clothing

More often than not, mosquitoes will bite on any area of exposed skin. Because of this, it’s a good idea to wear long-sleeved clothing to protect yourself against mosquito bites.

Now I know this may sound ridiculous as long sleeves and warm climates aren’t exactly a match made in heaven, but this doesn’t mean you have to wear jeans and a jumper.

Long sleeved t-shirts and linen trousers are both good options.

6. Remove standing water

We’ve all been guilty of leaving the buckets and spades from our beach trip out on the porch or balcony. However, did you know that these can attract mosquitoes?

Standing water provides mosquitoes with the perfect breeding environment!

You can avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes by making your accommodation less appealing to mosquitoes. This can simply be done by remembering to empty water out of glasses, mugs, cups, buckets and spades if being left outside.

7. Use an insect net

How many times have you woken up to find yourself littered with mosquito bites? That’s because, when conditions are favourable, a mosquito’s dining experience can lead well into the night.

Preventing mosquito bites can be done with the use of an insect net.

If you’re worried about mosquitos when travelling it’s a good idea to check that your accommodation has either mosquito nets around the bed or insect screens on the doors and windows.

8. Keep air circulated

Mosquitoes aren’t strong fliers (that’s why they are more active during dusk and dawn when there is little wind).

Keeping air circulated with the use of fans is a good way to avoid getting bitten by a mosquito, as it makes it difficult for them to fly near you.

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