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Rabies Immunoglobulin: Protecting Yourself from the Deadly Rabies Virus

Nusa Medica Clinic 24 Hours Clinic in Nusa Penida
May 16, 2024

Rabies, a deadly brain disease spread by animal bites, remains a serious concern in Indonesia despite ongoing control efforts. Though many who are bitten receive vaccinations (23,211 cases), thousands are bitten annually (31,113 cases), and tragically, some still die (11 deaths reported in April 2023). While rabies is found across most of the country, particularly in Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, and Kalimantan, there’s positive progress: 11 provinces, including Riau Islands, Bangka Belitung, Jakarta, Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, West Papua, Papua, South Papua, Central Papua, and Papua Highlands, have been declared rabies-free.

Source: Hingga April 2023 ada 11 Kasus Kematian Karena Rabies, Segera ke Faskes jika Digigit Anjing! – Sehat Negeriku (

Symptoms of rabies can progress rapidly, starting with fever, headache, weakness, and progressing to paralysis and hallucinations. These symptoms then lead to death within a matter of days.

The Importance of Early Action

Rabies is a fast-acting and fatal illness that attacks the brain. Symptoms like fever, headache, and weakness can quickly progress to paralysis and hallucinations, leading to death within days.  This highlights the importance of early prevention. Regularly vaccinating pets and avoiding wild animals are crucial first steps.

Rabies Immunoglobulin: Your First Line of Defense

However, if you are bitten or scratched by an animal suspected of having rabies, immediate action is essential.  Rabies Immunoglobulin (RIG) is a life-saving treatment that can prevent rabies infection.

What is RIG?

RIG is a biological product containing antibodies specifically designed to fight the rabies virus. These antibodies, obtained from the blood of immunized humans or animals, can neutralize the rabies virus before it attacks the nervous system.

Source: CDC – Medical Care: Human Rabies Immune Globulin – Rabies

How Does RIG Work?

RIG provides temporary protection while your body builds its own defenses against rabies. It’s administered alongside a post-exposure rabies vaccine. The vaccine trains your immune system to recognize and fight the rabies virus, while RIG offers immediate protection until the vaccine takes effect.

Source: Rabies Postexposure Prophylaxis (PEP) | Medical Care | Rabies | CDC

Why Choose Nusa Medica Clinic for Rabies Immunoglobulin (RIG)?

Nusa Medica Clinic, located in Bali and Nusa Penida, is committed to providing high-quality and accessible Rabies Immunoglobulin (RIG) services. Our RIG:

  • Comes from trusted manufacturers that meet international quality standards.
  • Is clinically tested for safety and effectiveness.
  • Is stored properly to maintain its quality.
  • Is administered by a team of professional medical personnel experienced in handling rabies cases.


Comprehensive Facilities and Services

Nusa Medica Clinic is equipped with modern and hygienic facilities to ensure patient safety and comfort. We also offer a fast and efficient service process so you can receive the appropriate treatment promptly.

When to Get Rabies Immunoglobulin (RIG)?

Seek RIG immediately if you:

  • Are bitten or scratched by an animal suspected of having rabies.
  • Have an open wound exposed to the saliva of an animal suspected of having rabies.
  • Have contact with an animal suspected of having rabies, such as licking a wound or getting saliva in your eyes, nose, or mouth.

Contact Nusa Medica Clinic Today!

Don’t hesitate to contact Nusa Medica Clinic to receive RIG and get more information about rabies prevention. Our medical team is ready to assist you wholeheartedly.


Nusa Medica Clinic:

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