Rabies Immunoglobulin: Protecting Yourself from the Deadly Rabies Virus

Rabies bites kill thousands in Indonesia yearly. Learn how Rabies Immunoglobulin (RIG) can save your life from rabies after exposure. Nusa Medica Clinic offers effective RIG treatment.

Rabies, a deadly brain disease spread by animal bites, remains a serious concern in Indonesia despite ongoing control efforts. Though many who are bitten receive vaccinations (23,211 cases), thousands are bitten annually (31,113 cases), and tragically, some still die (11 deaths reported in April 2023). While rabies is found across most of the country, particularly… Continue reading Rabies Immunoglobulin: Protecting Yourself from the Deadly Rabies Virus

Why Finishing Your Antibiotics Completely is Critical for Your Health?

We all cherish the feeling of recovery when battling an infection. Antibiotics, those miraculous life-savers, work tirelessly to subdue bacterial enemies. But their job isn’t complete when you simply “feel better.” Finishing the entire course of antibiotics, even after symptoms vanish, is crucial for safeguarding both your own health and the health of our global… Continue reading Why Finishing Your Antibiotics Completely is Critical for Your Health?

Aloe Vera vs. Sunburn: Your Guide to Skin Relief and Sun Protection

Sunburns manifest when ultraviolet (UV) radiation, originating from the sun or artificial sources like tanning beds, inflicts damage to the DNA within skin cells, leading to a process known as apoptosis, or programmed cell death. The ensuing rapid cell demise triggers the immune system to release inflammatory proteins, prompting blood vessels to dilate and increase… Continue reading Aloe Vera vs. Sunburn: Your Guide to Skin Relief and Sun Protection

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7 Safe Driving Motorcycle Tips for Your Bali Vacation

Bali, renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and vibrant culture, beckons travelers to explore the island on motorbikes, promising a unique sense of freedom and adventure. However, this thrill comes with the responsibility to drive safely through busy streets, avoiding becoming a part of the unfortunate “Accident Cases in Bali” statistics. This guide provides insights to… Continue reading 7 Safe Driving Motorcycle Tips for Your Bali Vacation

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Telemedicine: Treatment that is done without the need to meet a doctor in person

Forget waiting rooms and traffic jams. The future of healthcare is here, and it’s virtual. Telemedicine, the revolutionary medical practice of delivering treatment remotely, is breaking down barriers and transforming the way we access healthcare. Gone are the days of scheduling appointments weeks in advance or dedicating precious hours to an in-person visit for minor… Continue reading Telemedicine: Treatment that is done without the need to meet a doctor in person

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Up for Monkeying Around in Bali? 5 Essential Tips for a Wild Adventure in Bali!

Bali, a mesmerizing destination brimming with captivating experiences, is a paradise waiting to be explored. Amidst the enchanting landscapes and vibrant arts scene, one aspect demands our careful attention – the mischievous monkeys! While undeniably adorable, these creatures can pose a threat with their bites or scratches. Rabies becomes a threat if humans are bitten… Continue reading Up for Monkeying Around in Bali? 5 Essential Tips for a Wild Adventure in Bali!

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